“Unlock Hidden Powers: 27 Psychological Tricks That Will Change Your Life—Are You Ready to Discover Them?”
If someone says something to you but you don’t hear it, then when you ask them to repeat it they say “Nevermind” and sulk, just say,
“Okay.” in a totally disinterested manner and go back to whatever it was you were doing. Most of the time, they’ll pout for a second, then say something like “What I was *GOING* to say was…”.
Silence. I have found that saying nothing is often the most powerful tool of negotiation. I once sold a car with 350,000 miles on it for my asking price, because when the guy was walking around it and pointing out the flaws I never said a word. He talked and talked, and I never responded. Finally he talked himself right into buying the car. I would have gone down $1500 but he never demanded an answer out of me.
If you want to calm someone down, sympathize with them whilst describing what’s upsetting them in descending orders of magnitude.
I understand why you’re angry
you’re right to be frustrated
This would annoy me too.
As they accept the acknowledgements they want they should also accept the declining emphasis on emotion and become calmer.
When playing rock, paper, scissors stop right before and ask “without looking, can you tell me what color your shirt is?” and people seem to always pick scissors after. I’ve done it to maybe 20 people and got the same result every time.
Many people (I would say most, maybe almost all) are surprisingly susceptible to flattery and being told what they want to hear. People tend to shy away from this strategy, thinking it will be too obvious and clumsy, but just try it. It’s as if being flattered or hearing people agree with you gives people a rush of pleasurable hormones to the brain.
If you haven’t slept well, tell your brain “I slept well”. You will feel fresh. It works like miracle.
Want to defeat a narcissist who insults you? Don’t react. Just ignore him completely in front of others. It will hurt his image and he will stop poking you.
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