“Unlock the Chilling Secrets Lurking in Your Walls: Discover the Terrifying Finds That Will Haunt Your Dreams!”

"Unlock the Chilling Secrets Lurking in Your Walls: Discover the Terrifying Finds That Will Haunt Your Dreams!"

After tearing up the carpeting he discovered this bizarre Monopoly flooring throughout an entire room. A backstory on this crazy creepy and home improvement decision would be really interesting.


A $50,000 Haul Is Worth a Creepy Scavenger Hunt



Photo credit: sarmik / Imgur


Two new homeowners found a safe and the corresponding safe codes while remodeling their dated kitchen. In it, they found $51,080, and a bottle of bourbon from James E. Pepper, the inventor of the Old Fashioned.

To make it extra creepy though, they found a book called “A Guide For The Perplexed” by E.F. Schumacher that contained clues on pages 1, 7, 11, and 14. Our advice? Burn the book and keep the cash and bourbon.


Alas, An Ancient Relic




Only kids who grew up in the ’90s or earlier will understand how impressive this ancient relic is. Someone bought an abandoned home with the intention to flip it and found this Blockbuster sign in the basement. It’s practically an antique at this point!


What would have been really scary would be if they found stock papers for Blockbuster LLC. RIP. You know that there will be a bidding war for this sign, though.


Life… Finds a Way To Save Your Marriage




Never underestimate nature’s way of making things happen. Here’s a great (and really weird) example. A German man lost his wedding ring while gardening. Three years later, he harvested a carrot.

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