“Unlock the Secret: This Simple Kitchen Tool Could Be Your Ultimate Weapon Against Migraines!”
Soon her fellow migraine sufferers were filling up the comments section with their own thoughts on Hayes’ genius life hack. The post itself has so far gathered over 75,000 likes, 216,000 comments and 271,000 shares. One follower stated: “I’ve heard of this before. Like applying pressure there…but using a clip …hmmmm.”
Meanwhile, another advised: “Chip clips are only a couple dollars at Hannaford Shaw’s or any of your local supermarkets.” Welcome news to any sufferers out there!
In response to Hayes (picture below), one user tried out the trick and had this to say: “If you press on a specific point but yes it works, well it does for me but I found as soon as you stop pressing on the spot the pain comes back. Just my experience, good luck folks.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, acupressure is very similar to acupuncture and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for years. Acupressure stems from the idea that certain points on the surface of the body are connected to the inner organs. Energy or ‘Qu’ apparently flows through 12 different channels (or ‘meridians’) in the body and if the flow is interrupted then the body experiences ill health.
Using tiny needles or other instruments to manipulate ‘trigger points’ helps to restore the flow of energy through the body.
This stimulation of the skin and muscle nerves releases the body’s natural painkillers – endorphins and serotonin – into the pain pathways of the spinal cord and the brain. This helps the body to modify the way pain signals are received.