“Unlock the Secrets: 30 Genius House Cleaning Hacks Discovered by Online Community!”
Never leave a room empty handed. Going upstairs? Grab something off the steps on your way up. Getting up to go to the bathroom? Take that dirty cup back to the kitchen. I have two young children and this helps keep the random stuff (toys, socks, hairbrush, etc.) from piling up.
Daily setting a 15 minute timer and doing what I can in that amount of time, whether that’s picking up/tidying/making the bed, or, if the house is tidy, actually cleaning. Even on days when I’m tired and don’t feel like doing anything, 15 minutes is doable (for me anyway). 15 minutes doesn’t seem like long but it helps keep things under control.
Whenever I finish my attempt at cleaning or organizing something I say out loud, “It’s better than it was.” this has really helped banish the not good-enough script in my head.
If you have a huge pile of laundry to fold that is overwhelming you, fold the towels first. They are the bulkiest items and the pile will get smaller very quickly. It helps with the mental aspect of reducing the overwhelmingness.
For actual motivation, which I’ve always struggled with, I found out I don’t clean unless I have people coming over, so I’ve been trying to schedule movie nights at my place every weekend. This year I’ve kept my place a lot cleaner, on the whole, than previous years.
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