“Unlock the Secrets: 30 Genius House Cleaning Hacks Discovered by Online Community!”

“Unlock the Secrets: 30 Genius House Cleaning Hacks Discovered by Online Community!”

capmanor1755 , JSB Co. Report

Squeezing lemon juice into a glass, showcasing a lesser-known cleaning hack. Any time I use fresh lemon juice for a recipe, I use the lemon halves to clean my microwave. Pour boiling water over the lemons in a microwave-safe bowl and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes. The steam will loosen any particles so you can easily wipe it down and the lemons make it smell great.

kkms , Arina Krasnikova Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Basket with cleaning supplies and gloves on the floor, illustrating lesser-known cleaning hacks. Easily available cleaning supplies. Each bathroom has Lysol wipes, scrubbers, cleaning supplies, gloves, and refills cause I’ve got a split level and there’s 4 bathrooms and I’m lazy AF. It also encourages the quick 10-15 min clean that helps maintain the house cleaner longer and cuts down on needing a whole day of cleaning .

Eunuch_Provocateur , freepik Report

Person loading a washing machine with clothes, demonstrating a cleaning hack. When I switch washer to dryer I inevitably drop a damp sock. I just *can’t* bring myself to let it continue on its journey to the dryer. So, I use it to wipe the lint dust off the washer/dryer etc, then it gets rewashed with the next load.

peacelilyfred , cottonbro studio Report

Two people cleaning a bedroom, one making the bed and the other sweeping the floor, illustrating impactful cleaning hacks. The best tip to make clean up quick is to clean often. If you always make a point to straighten up at the end of every day, your place will hopefully never become a disaster. Also pick one day of the week that you’ll spend more than a few minutes cleaning up the bathroom/kitchen and it should never get too overwhelming.

Edit: I’m not a professional house cleaner, but I thought this might be helpful anyway.

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