“Unlock the Secrets: 50 Mind-Blowing Body Hacks That Will Transform Your Everyday Life!”
If you only ever eat spaghetti-Os, Goldfish crackers, chicken tenders and sweets as a kid (and as an adult), you might have a hard time eating healthy when you need to worry about it.
You are not stuck with the palate you’re born with. You can train it to like healthier things. Also you can train your kids’ palates, or at least try.
One way to get into healthier food is to order it at a sit-down restaurant, if you get a chance to. They can make salads and vegetable-based meals taste much better than you’d think they’d taste. It can teach you simple combinations that go together for you to imitate, like finding out that basil and tomatoes and olive oil go together.
Another gateway is to find one or two vegetables you hate less than all the others and start adding them in when you make food you like. Like putting broccoli in macaroni and cheese or getting mushrooms on your pizza. Or dipping pretzels in hummus, and hot Cheetos in plain yogurt. Don’t worry that it’s not any different calorie-wise. The point is to train yourself to be ok with unfamiliar tastes and textures. The calories take care of themselves if you get healthy foods to be part of what you like.
Don’t underestimate the power of ranch dressing to make things taste good.
Maybe you have sensory issues about food. So experiment with ways to cut things up. When I was trying to eat better, I learned that I didn’t hate onions when they were diced really small, and not too many were used. But long pieces or rings I just couldn’t do. Until years later I could, because eating them in a way that was comfortable for me gradually turned into me liking them.