“Unlock the Secrets: 50 Mind-Blowing Body Hacks That Will Transform Your Everyday Life!”
If your fingers are cold put your arms against your body to the sides as if you were a little soldier standing at attention. Then with your wrists still touching your pelvis lift your fingers up so that your fingers point to the side. Then start shrugging your shoulders up and down and you can feel the warm blood rushing to your fingertips.
If you feel an impending sneeze, and you really don’t want to sneeze at that second, covering your nostrils and breathing through your mouth can stop it from happening.
It stop the flow of air which will alleviate whatever irritant is triggering the sneeze.
Many people have nutrient deficiencies and do not know it. Regularly go to a general physician ( ig standard doctor ) and get full blood work done, specifically making sure they test for nutritional deficiencies. Properly addressing and solving a deficiency has WAY more impact than adding in ‘extra’ nutrition to perform, think, sleep, etc better. On that note, multivitamins are dope, use them.
To double down on that, statistically most of you reading this are deficient in vitamin D. Even if you are outside a lot. Yes, really! Folks who work outside all day are still regularly deficient.