“Unlock the Secrets: 50 Mind-Blowing Body Hacks That Will Transform Your Everyday Life!”
blood glucose levels spike approximately 90 minutes after eating. physical activity and or exercise around then will cause your body to not store as much food as body fat.
Digestion inhibits sleep, especially deep sleep. Don’t eat within a few hours of bed time.
Also, generally speaking movements as simple as ‘air squats’ ( squatting without weight ) for 30 or 60 seconds periodically during the day are enough to impact metabolism, such as the 90 min mark I cited.
Generally, evolution has created many reactions to different situations that cause our bodies to either grow more fat to store long term energy, or to instead grow and develop organs and muscles. Learn them to more efficiently achieve your goals, whatever those goals may be.
cold and heat exposure are consistently having more and more scientific support of substantial health benefits. So ice baths and saunas, or even potentially as little as a super hot shower ending in 30-60 seconds of cold
Sit like you’re driving in your car. Cross your ankles. Push your knees outwards. This will pop your lower back.
Did this on accident when I was 7 months pregnant with my second child. I had been driving for over an hour and was in dead stop traffic for 20 minutes so the put the car in park to stretch my legs for a second. I had my ankles crossed and stretched my legs outwards and I heard and felt the biggest pop I’ve ever in my life. It scared the c**p out of me bc I was very pregnant. Turns out it helped *alot*! Before, my tailbone/hips were stiff and could barely move. Afterwards, it was like a whole new lower back!! I’ve been trying to get my husband to do the same because he has a lot of lower back pain, but he’s stubborn. Maybe one of these days.