“Unlock the Secrets: 50 Mind-Blowing Body Hacks That Will Transform Your Everyday Life!”
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70% of heathy/shapey abs is always keeping them flexed. “letting the gut all hang out relaxed” trains the mussel that they are in the natural loose state. IMO always keep a tight gut and straight back while sitting, resting, eating, watching tv, on the train. IF you do this you’ll see better results in any effort you put into shaping your mid section.
I have add three huge weight swings in my life (30lbs extra up and then down) and this has helped so much the second and third time getting back into shape.
also not a gym rat and trainer just a guy who knows he feels happier when my body is in shape.
MostlyAccruate , John Fornander/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report
Medicinal mushrooms (not psilocybin). start em now.
i put out a weekly mushroom research newsletter and cover 20-30 studies every week about how extracts from shiitake, turkey tail, lion’s mane, reishi, chaga, oysters all have so, so many benefits like anti-inflammatory, nervous system regulation, brain cell growth, anti-tumor behavior, cholesterol management.
western research is still in petri dishes and animal models right now, but with the sheer number of positive effects and minimal side effects i read regarding how the bioactive compounds work in our bodies, i am a believer.
shanncat , Andrew Ridley/unsplash (not the actual photo) Report
If you have a headache, you can place a pencil in your mouth (horizontally like a dog with a stick) right behind your incisors (don’t bite, just hold it) and 9/10 times it INSTANTLY relieves the headache pain. You’ll still need to do something else to make the headache actually go away but the pain relief for me is instant. Once you get the hang of it, you can actually do it without the pencil. It’s just the position of your jaw that does it.
You are physiologically weaker when looking at something pink vs. something red. It will work with something as small as a toy teapot, as long as you’re at least semi focused on it. Freaked me the heck out when I first had it done to me as a cheap little bar trick.
When you are out in the cold, do not tighten your muscles and resist the urge to shiver.
you will feel warmer because muscle tension generates heat as a byproduct of its contractions, so when muscles are relaxed, they produce less heat, making you feel slightly cooler in comparison.
essentially, relaxed muscles are less metabolically active and therefore generate less heat.