“Unlock the Secrets: 71 Profound Lessons from Therapists That Transformed Lives Forever”

"Unlock the Secrets: 71 Profound Lessons from Therapists That Transformed Lives Forever"

hook-echo Report

My therapist accidentally word for word said my definition of love to me without realizing it when pressed for time at the end of a session and trying to explain how to love myself properly. honestly changed my life. made me realize that i wasnt caring for myself as much as I would even a stranger.

OgClaytonymous Report


See Also on Bored Panda

When I get overwhelmed I get this lump in my throat that feels like it makes me physically unable to speak. I started to get that feeling, and my therapist goes “what’s this? What do you feel here?” And pointed to the bottom of her throat where I have that physical feeling. And it was mind blowing that someone could just see it and understand what I was feeling without me having to say anything. It’s always been so hard to explain my whole life.

Total-Background8472 Report

I’d been struggling with depression and got referred to a psychiatrist, who didn’t really help, all he sort of discovered was a mild fear of flying. After about 6 months, I stopped going. A few months later, still down quite a bit, I went to a councilor – she nailed it in 10 minutes.

She said – You blame your mother for your parents splitting up.

I nearly fell over when I realized she was right.

BinkySmales Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Paraphrasing as I can’t remember the exact wording so much as the fact that I was surprised to see her crying after I finished telling her why I was there: “You just sound so defeated, like you’ve given up.” I was in high school.

Fun fact: I don’t remember the incident itself, but I do remember this happening on one other occasion with a different therapist and thinking “I can’t believe this has happened to me twice now.” (this = witnessing a therapist/counselor crying while I’m awkwardly sitting in their office)

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