“Unlock the Secrets of Thrift: 66 Frugal Habits That Will Transform Your Savings!”
Friday in the US next week everyone else storms the electronics at Walmart but I’m grabbing 1/2 priced Turkey’s and other food. I spend half of what I would for two months of cooking at home. Then I go back in throughout the following weeks for more good deals. My deep freeze is 1/4 full today…next week it’s full.
I bought a few foaming hand soap dispensers a few years ago. I refill them with a quarter inch or less of Dawn dish soap in the bottom and fill the rest with hot water at a slow rate so it dosent foam, then I shake it a few times to mix it. It gives you a nice thick foam that lifts dirt and greasy goo easily. I think it is a waste of money buying the overpriced foaming hand soap every time you run out and the regular hand soap isn’t as good.
-keep my house at 50F degrees in winter and AC not kicking in until 80F degrees in summer
-use the library and free apps like Tubi and a cheap tv antenna for most of my entertainment (books, movies, TV, sports, audiobooks, podcasts, etc.)
-get most of my clothes at thrift shops or on clearance
-eat probably 90% of my meals at home
-whenever possible try to fix things myself (latest example was fixing my car AC fan myself – i am not very handy but turning a $1000 charge into the cost of half an hour and $40 for a part is worth it if there’s not much chance your “repair” will just make things worse lol).
Today, I purchased a $130 air fryer for $8. I got a $50 coupon for applying for a target red circle credit card and waited until black friday, when the item was on sale for around $58. I used my $50 coupon s well as another $2 coupon to walk out with a practically free air fryer.
I make tea and bring it to work in a big thermos. I eat leftovers from last night’s dinner for lunch.
I shower at work for convenience and to save money. There’s a soap dispenser in the shower and fresh towels. I also take home things that are opened but not used and will be disposed of (we are allowed to). I wear clothes more than once if they aren’t dirty. I eat expired food as long as it smells and tastes ok. I pick and eat wild berries in late summer. I want to get into harvesting mushrooms too.
I keep a bucket in the shower that fills up with rinse water. When full, water is used to flush the toilet!
I make my own pizza dough from scratch – flour, yeast, water etc. Buying pizza from a shop or having it delivered has gotten way too expensive.
My clothes dryer broke 7 years ago. I’ve been using a rack or line to dry clothes since then. Saved $ not buying a dryer, saves $ on electricity, and saves $ because clothes actually last longer since dryers cause them to wear out faster.
Getting into sport. All the activities I like doing are free. I usually go hiking, cycling (okay you need a bike) etc. Take a sandwich with me. I usually set off from my house, so no transport fees either. I invested in a tent, so now when I go on holiday, I hike and wild camp in the tent. Makes for a very cheap holiday.
The other thing is asking yourself ‘do I really need this’ before buying something. Usually it’s a no.