“Unlock the Secrets of Thrift: 66 Frugal Habits That Will Transform Your Savings!”
1) I don’t go to the gym. So no need for any subscriptions or accessories. I have a portable pull-up bar, 10 kg mugdal, 3 kettlebells, and gymnastics rings. This is all I bought over the period of 3 years. And to be honest, I have kept myself not insanely fit but pretty decent. This also aligns with the minimalist and stoic philosophy, which kind of calms me in difficult situations.
2) Making chocolate shakes at home rather than having it outside. Not only it’s cheap but also yummy and healthy. I don’t use sugar (use bananas instead), plus I mix protein powder and some healthy seeds too.
3) I avoid eating food outside and especially ordering food online. If I go outside, I make sure that I don’t spend a significant amount, and even if I do, I make sure that it’s not junk but relatively a high-protein healthy diet.
4) I don’t drink, nor do I smoke. I hate going to crowded places, so that eliminates bars and pubs too. So instead, what I do is go on treks, hikes, or cycling. Not only is this healthy for me, but it also keeps me connected to nature, and I have met some really good people that way.
5) I split the bill. But if I really like someone and sense that we’re gonna meet again, I don’t mind paying it
6) I use a kind of bike, which gives me a good average. I have seen my friends crying over how their vehicles average is so low and fuel is getting so costly, etc. .
Taking the extra roll of toilet paper when leaving a hotel. (Along with the facial tissue).
You’d be surprised what food scraps can hide in either smoothies or desserts. Most of the time, I don’t tell.
Also we are replanting pineaapple tops in a sunny section of our large yard that yield the most delicious, albeit slow growing, fruit. We have quite a few banana plants too that are prolific with both flavorful fruit and new plants.