“Unlock the Secrets of Your Sleep: What Your Position Reveals About Your Health and Hidden Relationship Dynamics!”
This Position Could Signal An Unhealthy Couple
Sleeping on your stomach is one of the worst ways to sleep. Neil Robinson, a chief sleep officer at Sealy, said, “This is in fact one of the worst positions for causing back pain as it places pressure on your spine.”
When couples do this it is called the stomach snooze and can symbolize a lack of trust and show vulnerability. Those who find themselves consistently sleeping this way should consider placing a pillow under their stomach to align their spine.
Non-O Blood Types Have A Greater Risk Of Heart Disease
According to the American Heart Association, certain blood types have a higher risk of heart conditions. A study in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology said that O bloods have a lower risk, while AB bloods have higher risks. AB types have an 8% greater risk of heart attacks and a 10% increased heart failure chance.
Penn Medicine explains that non-O bloods contain a protein called the von Willebrand factor. This slightly raises the risk of clotting and high cholesterol. However, the chances are still slim, and you can remain healthy with a proper diet and exercise routine.
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