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AB Blood Clots More Often
Depending on your blood type, you could have a higher risk of blood clotting or hemorrhage. The American Heart Association reports that AB blood types are more likely to clot. Chances of deep vein thrombosis, or clotting in the leg, raise by 47%. Pulmonary embolism, or clotting near the lungs, raises by 51%.
AB bloods have a protein that slightly increases the risks of clotting. On the other hand, O blood types are more likely to hemorrhage. A Japanese study in Critical Care found that O bloods have a 28% higher risk of hemorrhaging.
Blood Can Affect Diabetes Risk
Many people know that diet and exercise habits affect the risk of diabetes. But blood type could also contribute, if only slightly. French researchers from the Gustave Roussy Institute discovered that women with B positive blood have the highest chances of developing diabetes.
According to the journal Diabetologia, people with B-positive blood have a 35% greater risk of diabetes. The percentage changes to 10% with type A blood, 17% with AB blood, and 21% with B-negative blood. People with O type blood have the lowest chance of diabetes. Remember, though, that blood type is not a diabetes-sentence.
Type A Bloods Are More Prone To Stomach Cancer
Unfortunately, people with type A blood are more likely to get gastric cancer. In 2012, a study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that A-type blood is susceptible to H. pylori. This pathogen creates inflammation and is one of the more prominent risk factors for stomach cancer.
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