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"Unlock the Secrets of Your Sleep: What Your Position Reveals About Your Health and Hidden Relationship Dynamics!"

Further research in BMC Cancer asserted that both type A and type AB bloods are prone to gastric cancer. The study suggested that type A genotypes are more prone to H. pylori than O or B blood types.


Mosquitoes Favor Certain Types Of Blood





Some people need more bug spray than others. Research has found that mosquitoes favor certain blood types. In 2004, research in the Journal of Medical Entomology concluded that people with blood type O receive the most mosquito bites. Blood type A is the next favorite.


Why do mosquitoes prefer certain blood types? According to Dr. Baumann-Blackmore, they’re attracted to chemicals in sweat. Certain blood types produce more substances such as ammonia and lactic acid, which mosquitoes like. If you have blood types A or O, don’t leave the house without some bug spray.


The Rarest And Most Common Blood Types





Since blood types are genetic, how common they depend on ethnicity. However, the rarest blood type overall is AB-negative. Less than 1% of the American population has AB-negative, while 4% has AB-positive blood.


Worldwide, the most common type of blood type is O-positive. Between 37% and 53% of the population has O-positive blood, depending on the country. O-negative blood, the universal donor, is far rarer. People with O-negative blood make up between 1% and 8% of the overall population. Blood types A and B are somewhere in the middle.

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