“Unlock the Secrets of Your Sleep: What Your Position Reveals About Your Health and Hidden Relationship Dynamics!”

"Unlock the Secrets of Your Sleep: What Your Position Reveals About Your Health and Hidden Relationship Dynamics!"

Malaria causes a phenomenon called a rosette. Rosettes form when an infected red blood cell connects with a healthy red blood cell. According to Nature Medicine, O-type blood has antibodies that interfere with rosettes. Malaria cannot infect the body as quickly if you have type O blood.


Certain Blood Types May Require Different Diets





Naturopath Peter J. D’Adamo claims that peoples’ diets may rely on their blood types. His theory, called the Blood Type Diet, suggests that certain bloods need to avoid and embrace different foods.


According to D’Adamo, O blood types benefit from a high-protein diet that is light on grains and dairy. A blood types may prefer meat-free diets, and B bloods should avoid many nuts, beans, and grains. AB bloods should focus on seafood and tofu and avoid caffeine. The downside of the Blood Type Diet is that it can be restrictive and inflexible.


People With AB Blood Are More Likely To Lose Their Memory





AB is the rarest blood type, consisting of only 4% of Americans. However, research from the American Academy of Neurology found that AB blood types have a higher risk of memory problems. In fact, people with AB blood are 82% more likely to experience cognitive decline.


AB blood also raises the risk of heart attack and stroke, closely related to cognitive impairment. Factor VIII, a blood protein that makes blood clot, may also heighten the risk of dementia. However, researchers still need more evidence to determine why AB types suffer from memory loss.

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