“Unlock the Secrets of Your Sleep: What Your Position Reveals About Your Health and Hidden Relationship Dynamics!”
The Most Common Sleeping Position For Couples
The most common sleeping position for couples is a bit misleading. While it might not seem romantic, most couples will sleep back-to-back and far apart. This position is called liberty lovers.
Corrine Sweet, a relationship psychologist, found that this position means a couple is connected and secure in their relationship. About 27 percent of couples sleep this way each night. Healthline said this is actually a good position for both partners because it can relieve pressure on internal organs.
Spooning Is A Classic
Spooning is usually one of the most popular sleeping positions among couples. About 18 percent of those surveyed said they regularly spoon. While this is a romantic position, it also includes a power dynamic within the relationship.
One person will be the “big spoon” and give a sideways hug to the “little spoon” with both parties sleeping on their sides. The upsides to spooning are that it’s better for breathing and can relieve aches and pains.
Why Couples Do Back-To-Back Touching
Corrine Sweet, a relationship psychologist, conducted a survey among couples to find their most common sleeping positions and back-to-back touching came in second. This is when couples are facing away from each other, but their backs are touching.
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