“Unlock the Secrets of Your Texting Style: 11 Personality Traits That Reveal How You Really Communicate!”

"Unlock the Secrets of Your Texting Style: 11 Personality Traits That Reveal How You Really Communicate!"

You likely use plenty of social lingo, casual phrases, and a frequent use of “I” and “you” pronouns, which highlights your focus on connection and interaction. You aren’t shy about expressing your thoughts or emotions, either.

2. Agreeableness: The Polite Texter

Attractive business woman sits at table in front of laptop and talks on mobile phone, negotiates on the phoneAttractive business woman sits at table in front of laptop and talks on mobile phone, negotiates on the phone
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

If you’re the agreeable type, then you’re among the peacekeepers of the texting world. These ones respond quickly but with a touch of thoughtfulness, always aiming to keep things friendly and harmonious. Their texts are warm, full of positive emotions, and carefully crafted to avoid any misunderstandings.

They tend to steer clear of swear words or harsh language—after all, conflict is the last thing they want. If there’s ever a chance of ruffling feathers, you can bet they’ll go for the diplomatic route, opting for “Hope you’re doing well!” instead of anything remotely confrontational.

3. Openness: The Creative Texter

Smiling business man writing message on smartphone while sitting by the table in officeSmiling business man writing message on smartphone while sitting by the table in office
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

If you love experimenting with different abbreviations or inventing your own shorthand text, you’re probably high in openness. These texters take their sweet time replying, not because they’re avoiding the conversation but because they’re having too much fun crafting unique responses.

They’re the ones who’ll toss in a quirky abbreviation or an emoji that no one else uses just to keep things interesting. They aren’t cutting corners but making each message feel like a mini work of art—sometimes you’ll even get a “lolz” or a “bffl” just to spice things up.

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