“Unlocking Confidence: 48 Surprising Ego Boosters You Never Knew You Needed!”

"Unlocking Confidence: 48 Surprising Ego Boosters You Never Knew You Needed!"

When the older black lady calls me sugar or honey.

Image credits: Joshuataporco


When I get to exercise my vast collection of random information I have amassed over the decades of diving into rabbit holes on the internet. Being able to answer the questions most people say "Who TF even knows this s**t?" feels so good! Makes me feel smart and educated even though I'm a dumb dropout.

Image credits: DaGoodSauce


When my dog chooses to cuddle with me instead of anyone else in the room.

Image credits: SensualSilhouettee


Receiving a compliment from a woman as a man.

Image credits: DamagedWheel


When my son tells me that I’m the “best mama ever”. It makes me feel like I can conquer the world.

Image credits: ohh_em_geezy


Whenever we go camping I always light the fire. Every year someone will try to usurp me and every year I will be dragged away from building my tent because they can’t get it going. I am the fire queen. .

Image credits: Big_Art_4675


When a child tells me I am pretty. Kids are genuine. I believe them.

Image credits: ArtisticPossum


Making someone I care about happy.

Image credits: GreenMirage


Being told I’m the reason someone didn’t give up.

Image credits: Aggressive_Rope8421


Recently a guy a the grocery store said “wow, you have the most vibrant eyes”. Then he turned to his girlfriend and said “aren’t they amazing?” It felt like a huge compliment because I’m a guy and he clearly wasn’t hitting on me….and yes, I’m sure it was his girlfriend because he was all over her.

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