“Unlocking Earth’s Secrets: Discover the Stunning Scenes Google Earth Revealed That Will Leave You Speechless!”
Victory Is Mine!
As if mountain biking through the snowy mountains of Alaska wasn’t already cool enough, this woman’s triumphant ride was captured on Google Earth. The unidentified woman was mountain biking with what appears to be a few other riders in other views.
The group was riding near the town of Seward Alaska in June of 2017. We wonder if she noticed the Google Earth car and hoisted her bike up, hoping to be caught on camera!
It looks like this Google Earth employee got more than he bargained for when he was driving through Delamere. Delamere is located in the Northern Territory of Australia and was experiencing significant flooding. It looks like this car ahead in driving through a river, but the guardrails on the sides reveal it’s actually a road.
We hope they all made it out safely since flooding can be potentially deadly. In this same area in early 2018, a monsoon hit the area and caused significant flooding. Numerous people had to be rescued from their vehicles.
From Ocean to Table
We have to admit, we’re pretty jealous of this situation Google Earth captured a few years ago. The is the small Greek island of Oai.
Oai boasts enviable coastlines, ocean views, and of course, deliciously fresh seafood. By the looks of it, all of those octopi are on the menu tonight!
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