“Unlocking Earth’s Secrets: Discover the Stunning Scenes Google Earth Revealed That Will Leave You Speechless!”
Send Her To Area 51
Okay, someone needs to call the authorities because we’ve found the first confirmed sighting of an alien. Weirdly enough, it’s just like us and wanted to take a stroll by the Mayan Ruins in Mexico.
Listen here “Alienette” — you’re not fooling anyone. Just because you’re wearing a sundress to look normal doesn’t mean that you are. Those legs are telling a different story.
Well, This Is Alarming
Not going to lie, trying to act tough while wearing a frying pan isn’t necessarily the best play.
Why didn’t frying pan man’s buddies tell him that he’s ruining their intimidation factor? They look badass while he looks like the end result of a Hell’s Kitchen blow up with Gordon Ramsay.
The House That’s Blurred
This is one of the only places in the world that is blurred out on Google Earth. It’s the home of Ariel Castro in Cleveland, Ohio.
He infamously held three women hostage in his home for over 10 years. He fathered their children until one of them escaped. He committed suicide in prison shortly after he was caught. The house has been demolished, but the area remains blurred.
If you think the doves in Central Park are bad, just wait until you see these “doves” coming up.
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