“Unlocking Earth’s Secrets: Discover the Stunning Scenes Google Earth Revealed That Will Leave You Speechless!”
This Is Nuts
On average, over 3,000 people die from car accidents across the world every day. So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that Google Earth was able to capture the exact moment a major car crash happened.
In addition, 20-50 million people are currently injured or disabled from an accident. It’s interesting to note that most road deaths come from young adults ages 15-44.
Ever Wonder What The Grass Looks Like Behind A Jet?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that jets are powerful, but this visual of just HOW powerful is quite impressive.
This is a picture that shows the destruction of the grass behind some of these fighter jets. Its safe to say that those patches of green have seen better days.
Okay E.T, You’re Not Fooling Anyone
Listen here E.T. I know it’s been a while since you’ve been in the spotlight (36 years to be exact) but you deserve better.
You shouldn’t be living in a crummy apartment in the middle of New Mexico. You were once a star that captivated the world. We miss you, come back.
No One Is Safe, Not Even Gumby
This shows just how cruel kids can be. Bullying affects everyone, even your childhood heroes like Gumby.
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