“Unlocking Masculinity: Discover 36 Surprising Traits of the Modern Secure Man!”
What does it really mean to “be a man” in this bizarre, ever-evolving world of ours? In a time when images of “toxic masculinity” are plastered everywhere, one can’t help but ponder—has the definition of manliness taken a wild turn? What used to be brushed off as just not manly enough might now earn a hearty high-five. So, where do we draw the line?
To tackle this pressing question, the opinionated minds over at Reddit weighed in on “What’s a good sign a dude is secure in his masculinity?” The flood of responses provides a humorous yet thoughtful take on what it means to truly embody strength and vulnerability in today’s society. Their insights might just surprise you—some of which directly challenge the notion of the traditional “alpha male.” Ready to delve into what defines a secure man? Let’s dive in! LEARN MORE.
With the increasing awareness of toxic masculinity in this day and age, what it means to “be a man” isn’t the same as it used to be. What may have been scoffed at in the past may be praised and lauded today.
To clear the confusion, the ever-opinionated people of Reddit gave their take when they answered the question, “What’s a good sign a dude is secure in his masculinity?” Answers poured in as users provided their own definitions, many of which defy what a self-proclaimed “alpha male” would say about himself.
Read through these responses, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!
He’s not afraid to express his feelings, whether it’s joy, sadness, or fear. He knows that being vulnerable doesn’t diminish his strength.
He doesn’t need everything to be a competition, especially with women. He’s just fine with women who are smarter than he is and who make more money, and he’s perfectly happy to listen to them without needing to try to talk over them to preserve his ego.
Confidently expressing yourself, wherever you land on the spectrum of masculinity/femininity. That’s peak to me.
He doesn’t obsess over it or develop weird rules about what “real” men do. He doesn’t refer to himself as an alpha male.
Nothing screams insecurity like a dude desperately trying to convince everyone how masculine he is.