“Unlocking Masculinity: Discover 36 Surprising Traits of the Modern Secure Man!”

"Unlocking Masculinity: Discover 36 Surprising Traits of the Modern Secure Man!"

eljefe3030 , pressfoto / freepik Report

36 Qualities Of A Secure, Masculine Man, According To Internet Folks I’m planning on being a stay-at-home Dad. It just makes sense when my partner earns more than me and is career-driven.

Some of my mates were giving me sh*t that I’m not a man if I’m not providing for my family. I honestly couldn’t care if that’s what they think.

I imagine a lot of men would jump at the opportunity to be a stay at home Dad.

KeyMastodon6 , freepik Report



36 Qualities Of A Secure, Masculine Man, According To Internet Folks Calm and collected. Doesn’t lash out at the slightest of provocation. Doesn’t call himself an “alpha male”. Doesn’t put others down to seem better. Takes responsibility when he f***s up. Humble.

God do I not miss being a teenager. All of these are basically the opposite of a guy I knew. From what I hear from mutual friends, he hasn’t changed much.

Hyp3r45_new , freepik Report

36 Qualities Of A Secure, Masculine Man, According To Internet Folks He can be around people of all sexual orientations and not be up tight or treat others less than.
We love confident masculinity.
Don’t have to prove anything if you know it within.

littlemsocd , gpointstudio / freepik Report


My dad was a stay-at-home father and worked part-time nights and weekends. Completely against traditional norms in the 90s-2000s (especially in the south).

I remember growing up, kids would say that my dad was really my ‘mom’ and would poke fun at him taking on that role.

But he knew my mom loved her career, and his career was long long hours so something had to give. And he sacrificed his career.

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