“Unlocking Masculinity: Discover 36 Surprising Traits of the Modern Secure Man!”
To me there’s nothing more masculine than putting your partner and family first, regardless of what is traditional or what others think.
Not having to play tit-for-tat or having to get even for every real or perceived slight. Road ragers, talking specifically to you.
He’s comfortable helping with household chores. Male relatives s**t on my husband for cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and (gasp) making my plate at dinner sometimes, but he just ignores them. It’s nice being with a man who understands that it’s everyone’s responsibility to care for the home, not just those with two X chromosomes.
Is a true ally to women and minorities. Show politeness and kindness to complete strangers. Acts as equal to others at all things. Treats those in service jobs as humans who are trying their damnedest to get through the day. Ummm…what else. Oh yeah, don’t listen to garbage podcasts from “Alpha male” wannabes, who are so insecure it is embarrassing to listen to.
My husband and I went to a gay bar for a friend’s birthday. Two different guys came up and gave him little gifts and a flirt. He took it as a compliment. That’s being secure.
Not being so obsessed with ‘disrespect’. Being able to let it roll off your back when someone slights you, and not having to have a loud confrontation about it.
That doesn’t mean be a pushover or never stand up for yourself. All I’m saying is, when the drunk guy at the bar stumbles into you, no need to get into a bar fight.