“Unlocking Nostalgia: 16 Timeless Treasures Today’s Youth Are Surprisingly Ignoring!”

"Unlocking Nostalgia: 16 Timeless Treasures Today’s Youth Are Surprisingly Ignoring!"

In a world that’s constantly speeding ahead, it’s wild to think about the things that’ve been deemed “essential” but might soon be as outdated as dial-up internet! With technology advancing faster than a kid racing to the ice cream truck, we’re seeing old habits getting left behind like yesterday’s news. So, what habits are about to topple when Baby Boomers ride off into the sunset? An online forum has sparked a lively discussion about these fading traditions, revealing a quirky blend of nostalgia and disbelief. Get ready to explore a delightful list of things that may soon be as rare as finding a VHS tape in your local store. Curious to see what’s on the chopping block? Buckle up! <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10075yl/whatarethingsthatwilldieoutorbecome/”>LEARN MORE.

Certain habits back in the day are quickly becoming irrelevant. Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace these days that it’s hard to keep up, and it’s leaving many previously important ways of life in the dust.

People in an online forum discussed things that will become significantly less popular when the baby boomer generation is no longer around and as technology continually advances.

1. Writing Checks

Woman signs contract or agreement close-up
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Baby Boomers wrote checks for almost everything, and one online forum contributor reckons this rather annoying habit may die with their generation.

They share, “Writing a check in the grocery store or writing checks, period! I can’t believe in my town, we have to pay our property taxes by check because of the dinosaur who works there and the mayor, who is also a boomer.”

I think we owe Rex an apology for calling him a dinosaur.

2. Suits

Man in classic grey suit with briefcase outdoors
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

The outfit; not the popular Legal Drama Show.

“Suits [at the workplace] have already become a thing of the past at many workstations, and the workstations that still mandate them, such as finance, will abolish suits once the baby boomers have gone.” A user says. Maybe?

3. Cable TV

Man in classic grey suit with briefcase outdoors
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

With all the Live Streaming apps and software happening right now, kids in the not-so-distant future will ask, “Cable, what now?”

A user says, “Cable and streaming aren’t even in the same league. With cable, can you even watch what you want on demand? F*** any company making me watch content based on their network schedule.”

Some people are still pro-Cable TV, if only they’d up their game. One says, “Cable will be making a comeback if the streaming services keep up their sh***y practices. I’d switch back if it was an option where I live.”

4. China Dishware

Open cupboard with clean dishes in kitchen
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Most Boomers’ homes have china dishware, sometimes enclosed in their special cabinet. Things that generations living in smaller spaces don’t have room or patience for.

“Someone says, “This! I have 2 sets in my basement from my grandmother and mom, plus the set they felt I HAD to have of my own! We don’t entertain, but I have place settings for over 36 people.”

5. Hands-on Personal Service

Customer service executive working at office
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Since many people discovered remote working, self-service, and bots, one online form user says we may see the death of services that require people to assist in workplaces physically.

“We’re doing this now at the insurance company I work at. Ask your question to a bot, and it will try and answer it. If it cannot, it will point you to a contact method depending on the question.” Another user adds. “

Some millennials said they still prefer personal service to self-service (who doesn’t?).

6. Toxic Masculinity

Manly, virile, dreamy man formal wear with bow laying on leather sofa
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Another user hopes that “Men having to hide their feeling and little boys being told to suck it up and be men” will phase out with older generations.

Stoicism is a train that has been lauded by the older generation, while more and more men are now more in touch with their feelings.

The thin line between “suck it up” and “feel free to show your emotions” is still blurry for many.

7. Voicemail

Shot of pretty young woman using voice recognition system
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

An online contributor notes that voicemail was popular because it was the only way to leave a message if you didn’t get the person you were calling. The younger generation today prefers texting anyway, and voice mail may soon be a thing of the past.

“The amount of voicemails I have to filter per day is too high in business. It’s all the older generations leaving the voice mails as well mixed in with the now plentiful amount of telemarketers calling you daily.” An online user says.

8. Perfect Front Lawns

Family Siting in front Lawn
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A few younger generations seem fed up with the effort expected of them to keep a perfect lawn, especially with the usage of pesticides. Some are open to turning their lawns into vegetable gardens or pastures.

A clearly fed-up online conversation adds, “Oh, PLEASE, let the pesticide monoculture lawns die! This is the best answer yet!”

Another adds, “I have my lawn mowed, and it is ugly as hell. I refuse to constantly put down chemicals and then have to water it. No thanks. My older neighbors definitely have nice green lawns.”

Yet, some youngins seem to have inherited the itch for a perfect lawn.

9. Standing Cashiers

Cashier Girl
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

A job as a cashier requires you to have strong calves, as you’d be expected to stand for hours on end.

“Bruh, I worked as a bank teller many years ago, and the same thing [was happening]. We weren’t allowed to sit. My feet were killing me at the end of the day.” A user says.

Another adds, “That’s the truth. I used to work at a job standing in the same spot for 7 hours. Now I work 12-hour shifts but constantly moving, and my feet hurt way less moving for 12 hours than standing for 7.”

When the Boomer bosses are no longer bosses, cashiers can finally sit (hopefully).

10. Strip Clubs

The man in night club
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Adult “content” was majorly found in strip clubs, but people in an online forum feel this might be out of fashion in the coming years.

A commenter says, “Strip Clubs disappear because people have p***, and to a lesser extent, millennials, Gen Z, and fifth-wave feminism is normalizing sexuality and s** work.”

11. Pensions

Senior couple sitting at table with laptop while woman putting money in pension jar
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

The newer generation is moving from saving for retirement towards saving schemes and investing for various reasons other than pension.

A user shares, “My generation, late 1980’s, won’t have pensions. Our boomer parents had pensions to rely on. Thinking I’ll have a pension when I’m ready to retire is completely foreign to me. Companies aren’t offering pensions anymore from my generation.”

12. Ironing

Woman listening to music while ironing at home. Space for text
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Someone on an online discussion thinks keeping your clothes crease-free will one day be a gone venture.

It may be that people won’t be bothered by creases anymore, or we will discover new ways of keeping clothes straight.

Many people have already ditched ironing.

13. Answering Random Phone Calls

The phone call was from an unknown number
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Younger generations don’t generally answer phone calls they aren’t expecting. For Boomers, this isn’t the case. Someone writes, “Hopefully, it’ll become unprofitable to make spam calls once there aren’t enough people willing to answer random numbers.”

14. Old Family Role Cliches

Happy mother holding pancakes for breakfast and looking at husband and kids, retro styled
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

We’ve come a long way in equal rights for men and women. Yet, one woman shares that some beliefs are still deeply instilled in the older generations from their upbringing and TV propaganda.

She says, “Hopefully, the sitcom cliche that the dad is [lazy], whilst the wife takes care of everything, everyone laughs at him despite him being the sole breadwinner for the family. Family dynamics have changed so much over the years that this just does not fly in any way shape or form these days.”

15. Random Phone Calls

old man on the phone
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Older generations like to call out of the blue and check in on people. Someone writes, “It’s too intimate for the texting generation which is soo weird. I’m guilty of it too btw but I realize how silly it is.”

16. Applebees

Applebee's Restaurant sign
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Some Boomers flock to Applebees, but why? Their food is mediocre at best, and the atmosphere is lame. This restaurant is likely going to phase out in the next few decades.


17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s

black and white photo vintage kids on a slide
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Many of the behaviors that were deemed ordinary for children in the 1960s would be mortifying to people today. If parents from the ’60s were to raise their children in the same manner in today’s world, they might find social services knocking on their doors. As time progresses, so do parenting methods and the level of supervision and exposure provided to children.

17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s

19 Things You Shouldn’t Fear as You Get Older

sad old woman
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

As we grow older, it’s common for our fears to grow alongside us and sometimes hold us back from enjoying our lives. Many of these worries come from not knowing what will happen as we age. The media (social and news) also makes older folks unnecessarily fearful about their health and vitality- often painting a picture of disaster, decline, and disease.

19 Things You Shouldn’t Fear as You Get Older

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

old man with a helmet and knee brace exercising outside
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Some people celebrate the first grey hair and the first wrinkle, while others are horrified at the first sign of aging and do all they can to eliminate it. The tell-tale signs of aging are met with varied reactions, but they all indicate one thing—no one will be left by this aging train.

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

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