“Unlocking Pleasure: The Surprising Truth Behind the Great Vibrator Myth That Everyone Gets Wrong!”

"Unlocking Pleasure: The Surprising Truth Behind the Great Vibrator Myth That Everyone Gets Wrong!"

However, if Maines’s historical narrative is shown to be false, it is possible that these rulings may be overturned in the future.

But more fundamentally, as Hallie Lieberman writes:

[The] myth isn’t harmless. It’s a fantasy that contributes to the ways we still misunderstand female sexuality and that perpetuates harmful stereotypes that continue to resonate in our laws and attitudes.”

Expand for References

Cassella, Carly, The Vibrator’s Origin Story is Fantastically Scandalous, But It’s Also Probably Fake, Science Alert, September 12, 2018, https://www.sciencealert.com/no-evidence-victorian-hysteria-origin-vibrators-failure-peer-review-new-study#

Lieberman, Hallie & Schatzberg, Eric, A Failure of Academic Quality Control: The Technology of Orgasm, Journal of Positive Sexuality, August 2018, http://journalofpositivesexuality.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Failure-of-Academic-Quality-Control-Technology-of-Orgasm-Lieberman-Schatzberg.pdf

Lieberman, Hallie, (Almost) Everything You Know About the Invention of the Vibrator is Wrong, The New York Times, January 23, 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/opinion/vibrator-invention-myth.html

Henriques, Martha, The Vibrator: From Medical Tool to Revolutionary Sex Toy, BBC, November 7, 2018, https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181107-the-history-of-the-vibrator

Bell, Jen, A Short History of the Vibrator, Clue, December 6, 2021, https://helloclue.com/articles/culture/a-short-history-of-the-vibrator

Horwitz, Rainey, Medical Vibrators for Treatment of Female Hysteria, Arizona State University, February 29, 2020, https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/medical-vibrators-treatment-female-hysteria

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