“Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!”

"Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!"

Hermione’s birthday is in September though while Harry’s is July 31, so there’s no change Lily could have had them as twins or birthed them far enough apart.


The First Book Foreshadows The Entire Series



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Fans have been able to connect the obstacles that Harry, Ron, and Hermione face in the first book as foreshadowing for the rest of the series. First, they must get past the Devil’s Snare which is similar to the Whomping Willow in the second book. The life-size chess match is similar to the maze in Goblet of Fire, and both are stylized like a graveyard.


Even the troll that appears at the start of the book is symbolized later on, when Hagrid’s half-brother Grawp appears.


Draco Is A Werewolf



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This fan theory sprouted up to explain why Draco Malfoy turns into even more of a jerk between the fifth and sixth books. We know the Malfoy family was back under Voldemort’s thumb at the time, and some people think that to get back at Lucious, Voldemort had Fenrir Grayback turn the only Malfoy child into a werewolf.


This theory would explain why Draco struggles throughout the sixth books and seems to be hiding a huge secret.


Horcruxes Are Created With Cannibalism



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J.K. Rowling has never fully revealed how a horcrux is made. All we know is that you have to commit murder, use a specific spell, and do something else. That something else is supposedly horrible enough to bring Slughorn, Hermione, and even Rowling’s editor to become nauseous.

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