“Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!”

"Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!"

When Hermione buys Crookshanks from the Magical Menagerie, the owner proclaims that the cat has been there for “quite some time.” Later, Crookshanks recognizes Scabbers and Sirius in their animagus form. Considering Harry wondered if their family cat had survived the attack by Voldemort, it could mean Crookshanks once belonged to his mother.


There Was A War Long Ago Between Wizards And Muggles


harry potter wizard muggle war fan theory


One of the biggest unanswered questions in the Harry Potter universe is why the wizarding world is hidden from the muggle (human) world. The series plothole has led fans to speculate about the answer for years, but J.K. Rowling has never revealed the truth.


The most logical fan theory is that in the dark ages there was a war between the two worlds. At the end of the war, the two worlds decided to separate, realizing they could never live in harmony together.


The Wizard World Lost The War



harry potter wizards lose war fan theory


This particular theory was thrown around on Reddit, and there seems to be plenty of evidence to support it. The Redditor responsible for the theory claims the wizards lost the war, otherwise the muggle world would be the ones in hiding.


One of the best clues to support this theory is from The Goblet of Fire, when it’s revealed that the Ministry of Magic must get permission from Britain’s Prime Minister to bring a dragon into the muggle realm. The Redditor believes this is proof that the wizarding world reports directly to the muggle world.

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