“Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!”

"Unlocking Secrets: Mind-Bending Harry Potter Theories That Redefine the Wizarding World’s Legacy!"

J.K. Rowling Is A Wizard In Disguise



harry potter jk rowling rita skeeter fan theory


There are two sides to this theory. The first one we’ll talk about is the fantastical side. One conspiracy theorist has proposed that Rita Skeeter is a real wizard. They also claim, that because Skeeter is shapeshifter, she is more than likely J.K Rowling in disguise.


The idea behind the theory is that no character in the franchise matches up with J.K. Rowling’s real-life persona as well as Skeeter. Because she was shunned from the wizarding world, she simply changed into a human so that she could tell all the wizarding secrets and get revenge.


J.K. Rowling Wrote Herself Into The Books As Rita Skeeter



harry potter rita skeeter jk rownling Fan theory


The more logical version of the theory is that J.K. Rowling wanted to find a way to put herself into the novels, so she created Rita Skeeter. After all, both the made-up character and the real-world person are writers who deal with detailed accounts of the wizarding world.


Those who believe this theory, which has never been confirmed by Rowling, see the comparisons as uncanny. It would be hard to blame Rowling for finding a way to write herself into the world she created. (Assuming Harry Potter isn’t based on true events.)


Horcruxes Come At A Gross Loss Of Life



harry potter horcruxes fan theory


J.K. Rowling has never spilled the beans about how, exactly, horcruxes are made. All she has said it that it’s as complicated as splitting an atom and would come at a great loss of life. This has led some theorists to assume the worst.

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