“Unlocking the Light: The Genius Behind Lasers and Their Astonishing Secrets Revealed!”

"Unlocking the Light: The Genius Behind Lasers and Their Astonishing Secrets Revealed!"

And that, dear viewers, is a brief history of the laser, a device which many people thought was impossible and even more believed was useless, but which ended up being one of the most important and versatile technologies of modern times. But while fibre optic telecommunications, laser eye surgery, and precision manufacturing are all fine and dandy, if all those scientists and engineers could finally get around to building a working lightsaber, then I’ll truly believe we are living in the future.

Expand for References

Laser, Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/technology/laser/History

History of Laser Technology, Universal Laser Systems, https://www.ulsinc.com/learn/history-of-lasers

Laser History, Laser Fest, https://laserfest.org/lasers/history/early.cfm

This Month in Physics History – December 1958: Invention of the Laser, APS News, December 2003, https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200312/history.cfm

Townes, Charles, The First Laser, A Century of Nature, https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/284158_townes.html

Sella, Andrea, Maiman’s Laser, Chemistry World, December 1, 2014, https://www.chemistryworld.com/opinion/maimans-laser/8032.article

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