“Unlocking the Mystery: How AI is Revolutionizing Our World – Are You Ready for the Transformation?”

"Unlocking the Mystery: How AI is Revolutionizing Our World - Are You Ready for the Transformation?"

Very few exclamation points!!! Also on the subject of punctuation, did you know that my columns in their original form contain tons of exclamation points? Tragically, the vast majority get edited out before publication, which has long been a thorn in my side. I heard that AI writing contains—yuck!—perfect grammar and punctuation, a dead giveaway that it’s not written by a real person. If I can talk my editors into preserving exclamation points, especially the “excess” ones, it’s another assurance that my columns are mine!!!! See what I mean? Isn’t that so much warmer and more personal? (By the way, there should be 17 exclamation points in that earlier sentence. They still cut a bunch despite my pleas, didn’t they?)

Zero mentions of chocolate. I bet you Jeanketeers suspected something was missing in this column, but you couldn’t put your finger on it, could you? We almost made it to the end of this without one, too. I did it on purpose (clever, huh?) to present to you the starkest scenario of all: What if Jean columns lacked any references to the food of the gods? Is there any scarier example of how soulless an AI world could be—Jean Teasdale columns without chocolate? Sorry to scare the socks off you, but we must entertain any and all nightmare scenarios. Don’t kill the messenger!

As you can imagine, Jeanketeers, your eagle-eyed vigilance could help save my job (that is, my columnist job, not my flea market job) and, maybe even more importantly, halt this menacing trend called change. Really, I just don’t think people are that great at it, either at making it or adapting to it. As for all that cyber-digital-
computer-robot-AI futuristic stuff, can’t we just stick with Roombas? Why does someone like me—who just wants to brighten people’s day and make them pay attention to me—face an uncertain future while crabby hubbies go totally unscathed? He ruined our waterbed, not me! Sheesh!

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