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Three Brothers Jewel

Intricate design of a possible ancient lost treasure with geometric shapes on a blue background.

Created in 1389, this jewelry piece featured three red spinels around a central diamond. Owned by notable figures like Duke John the Fearless and English monarchs, it was part of the Crown Jewels until 1644, after which it disappeared, possibly sold by Charles I’s wife.

wikipedia , Historisches Museum Basel, Peter Portner Report


Scepter Of Dagobert

Facade of a historic cathedral with an illustration of a lost treasure staff topped with an eagle.

Part of the French Regalia since the 7th century, the treasure, named after King Dagobert I, was kept in the Basilica of Saint-Denis until it vanished in 1795, likely stolen. It was created by master goldsmith Saint Eligius.

wikipedia , Thomas Clouet , Gerald Garitan Report


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Hatton Garden Safe Deposit

Entrance of Hatton Garden Safe Deposit, London's notorious real-life lost treasure site.

In April 2015, a heist at a London safe deposit facility, valued at up to £14 million, was carried out by six elderly thieves. While £4.3 million was recovered, the rest remains missing. The thieves were arrested, convicted, and sentenced in 2016.

wikipedia , RHaworth Report


Treasure Of Amaro Pargo

Portrait of a man in historical attire, possibly linked to real-life lost treasures, posing a challenge for exploration.

This lost treasure is said to include silver, gold jewelry, pearls, valuable stones, Chinese porcelain, fabrics, paintings, and possibly 500,000 pesos. Its location is debated, with theories suggesting it lies near Roques de Anaga, Punta del Hidalgo, or the cave of San Mateo in Tenerife.

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