“Unlocking the Past: Drone Discovers Mysterious Tomb Housing Dozens of Ancient Skeletons and Mummies in the Canary Islands”
Historians believe the civilization was both ethnically and culturally absorbed when the Spanish arrived in the 1400s and colonized the region. This latest discovery, aided by the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle, has since provided researchers with unprecedented insight into Guanche culture.

CEN/Cabildo de Gran CanariaSome thought the team’s aerial photography of the remains was fake, because there were so many bones.
“There are many burial caves in Gran Canaria, but not many like this one,” said archaeologist Veronica Alberto. “The discovery of the newborn remains is important as they were not included in previous findings until very recently. We know now they can be found in these types of cave burials.”
The group of resourceful amateurs calls itself “El Legado,” and was formed by Ayose Himar Gonzalez, Jonay Garcia, and Jesus Diaz. Once the drone located the cave, Alberto and her peers had to descend 75 feet to reach it.
“We were flying a drone and we took some pictures of the cave,” Gonzalez said. “It is in a very difficult place to access and you need to climb a cliff to reach the site. People thought the photos were fake because of all the bones there!”

CEN/Cabildo de Gran CanariaThe entombed remains likely belonged to Guanche people of high society, as lower classes were buried in the dirt.
In addition to the ancient human remains, the team found traditional burial shrouds made of vegetable fibers and animal skin.
“We can confirm that all the pre-Hispanic people in the Canary Islands were prepared the same way for the burial ceremony,” Alberto explained.
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