“Unlocking the Past: New Discoveries Reveal That Europe’s Ancient Inhabitants Were Surprisingly Dark-Skinned!”

"Unlocking the Past: New Discoveries Reveal That Europe's Ancient Inhabitants Were Surprisingly Dark-Skinned!"

Meanwhile, genetic advantage related to vitamin D absorption was not the only reason for this gradual shift. Certain features such as blonde hair and blue eyes likely emerged thanks to other factors like sexual selection and genetic drift, a random fluctuation in allele frequencies within a population.

Overall, the findings suggest that ancient Europeans did not rapidly develop lighter features after arriving from Africa, as previously thought, but rather that the changes happened slowly over thousands of years due to a number of different factors and took longer than just the Neolithic period to complete.

While the findings have yet to be peer-reviewed and only illustrate one part of a much larger picture, they highlight just how complex human evolution was and how much we have yet to understand, even concerning periods as recent as just 3,000 years ago.

After reading about this new study concerning skin tones in prehistoric and ancient Europe, learn about the hobbit-like human ancestor known as the Callao Man. Then, learn all about Neanderthals, the misunderstood hominin species that went extinct 40,000 years ago.

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