Men always complain that women take weddings too seriously and micromanage every detail of planning, but just look what happens when she lets the guy decide one minor detail.
I want to blame Mr. Spiderman for showing up to a marriage ceremony dressed like this, but the girl should have known better.
Boys Never Stop Leaving Their Scent Everywhere
Men pass gas 24/7 and have no shame about it. Seriously, it must be some sort of weird evolutionary trait men still have. Maybe it’s a way to mark their territory, or leave their scent, or attract a mate.
Whatever the reason is, men are shameless about it.
If you still think story time is just for kids, then you’re way behind on the times. One guy coming up knows how to appreciate what kids don’t.
Hey, Men Love Bubble Baths Too
I think a lot of women forget that men have a soft side and they shouldn’t be afraid to show it. It surprises some people how many men love bubble baths, but what’s not to like?
When you’re a kid, you used the bubbles to make a fake beard. Even though you’re now old and have grown a real beard, the fun continues.
You Never Outgrow The Toy Aisle
There’s no way that all those guys are shopping for their kids or nephews. They are there for the newest release of the Kylo Ren action figure, and you have to respect them for it.
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