“Unlocking the Secret: What McDonald’s French Fries Reveal About Fast Food That Will Leave You Speechless!”

"Unlocking the Secret: What McDonald's French Fries Reveal About Fast Food That Will Leave You Speechless!"

However, after Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchisee in the mid-1950s, some adjustments were made. These changes included the rebranding of the restaurant as well as some of the menu items. However, the restaurant’s french fries have remained virtually unchanged over the years.


The Cutting Process


Potatoes being prepared


Unlike many other fast-food restaurants, the french fries at McDonald’s aren’t cut by being placed into molds that are then pressed in order to achieve a uniform shape.


McDonald’s fries are actually cut with knives, but this doesn’t happen on location at the individual restaurants. Instead, this is done in an automated fashion in a factory. This isn’t too surprising, considering how many fries they need to produce every single day.


All-Natural Potatoes



Basket of potatoes


As is bound to happen with any well-known business, people share rumors about McDonald’s. One of these states that the restaurant’s french fries aren’t made from actual potatoes. This is simply not true — the french fries are indeed made from real potatoes.


Yet, that’s not to say that there aren’t any chemicals added. That just doesn’t happen until much later in the fry-making process, and is said to be one of the reasons that they are so addicting!


They Use A Variety Of Potatoes



A mix of potatoes


What might be surprising to a lot of people is that MacDonald’s doesn’t just one specific type of potatoes. Although it’s hard to believe since basically all of the french fries look the same, there are actually four different types of potatoes used.

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