“Unlocking the Secret: What McDonald’s French Fries Reveal About Fast Food That Will Leave You Speechless!”

"Unlocking the Secret: What McDonald's French Fries Reveal About Fast Food That Will Leave You Speechless!"

They’re The Best-Selling Item



Stack of french fries


Although McDonald’s is also known for popular items such as the Big Mac, milkshakes, the McRib, and of course, chicken nuggets, fries are the best-selling item by far.


There are even stories of people going to one fast-food restaurant to get a burger or other item, and then stopping by McDonald’s to pick up some of their beloved fries. They better not make any major changes to their recipe anytime soon, because some people would be up in arms about it!


Secrets Of The Logo



Picture in front of sign


One of the most identifying characteristics of McDonald’s is known as the “Golden Arches,” which is the giant “M” logo that can be seen at almost every single McDonalds location.


While the “M” may stand for McDonald’s, if you look closely, you’ll notice there’s more to it than that. The “M” is actually made up of two golden french fries, which prove what a staple selling point they have been to the company since they were first introduced.

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