“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!”

"Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!"

The study, published in the Journal of Research and Personality, suggested that narcissists may (consciously or subconsciously) dress according to their personality. Bright, expensive clothing draws more attention than drab clothing. However, the results could illustrate how people perceive narcissists rather than how they actually are.


Spotting Aggression In The Body



Gold medal winner Dmitry Berestov of Russia celebrates winning the gold medal.


In 2009, Canadian researchers asked women if they could predict aggression in men by showing them neutral expressions of male faces. The women’s predictions followed a pattern: men with wider faces and a larger width-to-height ratio were predicted to be more aggressive.


This prediction has some scientific backing. According to the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior, high width-to-height facial ratios are often a result of more testosterone in the body. The more testosterone, the more likely a person is to become aggressive. However, this clearly isn’t saying that everyone with a broad face is violent.


Find Narcissists Through Their Eyebrows



A makeup artist straightens a woman's eyebrows with a small brush.


In 2018, researchers wanted to see if participants could pinpoint narcissism through physical appearance. Specifically, participants assumed a person’s personality through the shape of their eyebrows. Those with distinct, bushy, well-groomed eyebrows were perceived to be more narcissistic, even to other narcissists.

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