“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!”
Researchers found that this perception remained true even when the faces were turned upside-down. The scientists believe that eyebrows significantly shape our facial recognition. For instance, a 2003 study in Perception found that people struggle to recognize others without seeing eyebrows.
Average Faces Are More Beautiful (And More Kind)

According to a 2006 study in Psychological Science, attractive people are more likely to be seen as trustworthy and friendly. This phenomenon has a term: the halo effect. But what defines a conventionally “attractive” person? Psychologist Coren Apicella says that attractive faces are average faces.
Psychologist Anthony Little explains that attractive faces are often symmetrical and have common traits. “Perhaps average faces are more attractive because they seem more familiar,” says Dr. Apicella. In short, an average face may be interpreted as friendly and trustworthy.
What Your Selfie Says About You

If you’re a frequent selfie poster, beware. In 2015, researchers at Washington State University discovered that people posting selfies on social media are less liked. Participants perceived selfie-takers as more insecure, less successful, and less open to new experiences than those who do not post frequent selfies.
That said, people who posted photos taken by someone else–called a “posie”–received the opposite opinion. Viewers saw these users as more adventurous, self-confident, and better potential friends. Apparently, who holds the camera makes all the difference.