“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!”
In particular, researchers defined large eyes by eyebrows that appeared to be “lifted,” and by smaller foreheads. Sunken eyes and heavy lids categorized small eyes. If this isn’t you, don’t worry; the study revealed perceptions of many different shapes of eyes that are coming up soon.
Round Eyes Are Expressive

According to the study, round-eyed people were seen as more expressive. Participants interpreted round-eyed people as wearing their hearts on their sleeves and occasionally being impulsive.
This interpretation could stem from the pupils. People with round eyes have more visible pupils. According to Psychology Today, when pupils grow bigger, it means that the person is interested in what’s happening. Larger eyes could make the pupils seem larger, which subconsciously translates into interested, excited, and emotional personalities. But that’s only a theory.
People With Wide-Set Eyes Are Ready For Adventure

In 2017, researchers had participants look at 3D replicas of faces. The participants would guess the personality based on facial appearance. According to one result, people with wide-set eyes are seen as adventurous and willing to try new things.
This result is backed by Alan Stevens, a psychologist who believes that physical traits indicate personality. Stevens claims that wide-set eyes display tolerance and openness to possible errors. However, other psychologists do not back up Stevens’ claims. Remember that these are perceptions, not rules.