“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!”
People With A Warm Skin Tone Likely Eat Healthy

Researcher Carmen Lefevre of Northumbria University proposed that skin tone may indicate personality traits or habits. By skin tone, Lefevre doesn’t mean ethnicity; she means the color of skin undertones that are barely noticeable to most people. For instance, those with a warm, golden skin tone may eat a healthy diet.
The yellowish color comes from carotenoids, the pigment in fruits and vegetables that turns them red, orange, and yellow. “When we’ve eaten enough [carotenoids], they layer in the skin and dye it yellow,” says Lefevre.
Rosy Skin Comes From An Active Lifestyle

Regardless of ethnicity, some people develop a rosy, pinkish undertone to their skin. According to researcher Lefevre, this tone could illustrate an active lifestyle. The pinkish color may stem from good blood circulation, which often results from frequent exercising.
For women, this skin tone could suggest that it’s their time of the month. During menstruation, the hormone estradiol guides blood vessels to the surface of the skin. This results in a rosy hue that hints at when a woman is ovulating.
People With Plump Cheeks May Become Depressed

The plumpness of your cheeks could indicate how easily you get sick. According to researcher Benedict Jones of Glasgow University, people with more fat in their faces are more likely to experience depression and anxiety throughout their life. They also become sick more often.