“Unlocking the Secrets of Your Genes: What Your Physical Traits Really Say About You!”
Researchers aren’t sure why people with thinner faces are less likely to get sick. Jones told the BBC that facial fat could release inflammatory molecules that harm the body more. More research needs to be done on how facial fat impacts health.
Intelligent People May Have Long Faces

In 2014, researchers asked 160 participants to look at photos of strangers and rate their IQ. The result, published in PLoS One, indicated how people perceive intelligence. According to the participants, people with long faces have a higher IQ. At least, that’s the perception.
Specifically, people with a long face, thinner chin, prolonged nose, and wide-set eyes fit the visual criteria of a “high-IQ” person. It’s unclear why this facial structure fits the stereotype for intelligent people. The researchers found no correlation between longer faces and IQ in people.
Say “Hello” In A Trustworthy Way

If you have a phone interview, mind the sound of your voice! It could define how trustworthy you are. According to a study in the Voice Neurocognition Laboratory, people judge a person’s trustworthiness based on voice alone. The tone mattered more than the natural sound of the voice.
“Trustworthy” voices varied by gender. According to the participants, male voices with a higher pitch were considered more warm and friendly. For women, “trustworthy” voices dropped toward the end of a word. Flat speaking was deemed to be suspicious across the board.