“Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!”

"Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!"

Caffeine also can help open the box that tells your body to go into extra energy mode. Things like your heart can work faster or slower depending on what you need. Caffeine tricks the body into thinking it needs to go into extra energy mode. Caffine doesn’t create this energy, the body is just using what it has stored more quickly.” —u/SeattleBattles


If There Is No Cellphone Signal, How Does The “Emergency Calls Only” Mode Work?





Reddit user u/billythewolf answered, “Your phone is allowed to use any network it’s physically capable of using for emergency calls, whereas normally it can only use networks you’ve paid to use E.G. signals from a Verizon tower.”


User u/goldenthrone added, “to fill in any dead spots, sometimes small towers are erected in remote areas. These are network-less and will only respond to emergency calls.” Apparently, military towers can also be used for emergency calls.


Why Is Restaurant Food Vastly More Calorie Dense Than Preparing Food At Home? Even At Restaurants Where They Cook Everything Fresh, The Calorie Count Is Insane.





A few actual restaurant chefs chimed in on this one. Reddit user UbuSit said, “Professional Chef Here, just to give u an idea of how much butter goes in one dish. I use a 2:1 potato to butter ratio when making mashed potatoes. That’s one dish. So there’s that.”


u/wokka7 added, “Worked in Mexican fine dining for a bit. Our rice and beans were basically just lard with some rice or beans floating in it. People love it.”

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