“Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!”

"Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!"



“It’s because they are polyphonic instruments, as compared to most instruments which can only play one note. They can play chords, a pianist can play a chord and a melody. ‘Much more versatility.


If you are a bass player, sax player, drummer, it is a lot of fun, but to really do anything, you need a band to play with. Keyboard or guitar can play solo or with a group.”—u/chinmakes5


How Did Salt And Pepper Become The Chosen Ones Of Food Spices?





“Salt preserves food (by drying it) and is readily attainable (from the sea). Pepper preserves meat (piperine kills bacteria and repels maggots but is harmless to humans). Over time, cultures that embraced preservatives like this prospered and their cuisine spread. In India, they use a whole different set of spices.


The reason salt and pepper came to grace restaurant tables with all those other spices out there is **French cooking and Louis XIV. ** At the time that formal dining came into fashion, French culture was influential throughout the western world. Louis XIV was an influential man as the king of France. He didn’t like as much salt or pepper in his food but others did so he created the custom of having his chefs put it on the table rather than cooked in. The custom spread and western culture helped spread it all over the world.” —u/fox-mcleod


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