“Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!”

"Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!"



“Used to work in an orange packing shed. The juicing oranges were usually the lumpy, weird shaped ones that can’t be sold loose, and don’t fit nicely into the packing boxes. They all get lumped together in a bin, so would be much cheaper to transport. There’s also more of them than the nice “Grade A” ones that get sold loose.


There were also “Grade B” oranges which were perfectly fine to eat but couldn’t be sold in America because they were “ugly”. These usually went to less economically developed countries. Remember the produce you buy in shops is the most aesthetically pleasing pick of the crop.” —u/some_toast_


In Most Machines And Appliances, Why Does An Engineer Choose, For Example, A Philips Head Screw For One Component But A Flathead Or Hex For Another?





“The Philips head is designed so the screwdriver slips out if you put too much torque (twisting force) on it. So you can safely screw it on full speed with an electric screwdriver, with no risk of breaking anything.


The hex bolt doesn’t slip out, so it’s useful if you need to screw it really, really tight, or if there is no easy access to the screw, and you can’t push against the screwdriver. The Torx head (star shape) is like the Hex but allows even more torque. It doesn’t slip, but you have to be really careful or use screwdriver with torque limiter.”


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