“Unlocking the Secrets: The Surprising Answers to Your Most Embarrassing Questions Revealed!”
Why Can’t Bots Check ‘I Am Not A Robot’ Checkboxes?
“Actually, clicking the box is a rather trivial part of what those CAPTCHAs are looking for. What they’re actually looking for are things like: did the ‘user’ instantly move their mouse to the exact coordinates of the box, or did they traverse thru the page like a human would? Is the user scrolling to the box, or are they remotely executing javascript to trigger a scroll to the box? How long after page load did the user find the box?
Too quickly is obviously a red flag, but taking too long is also. Commonly, to get around reCAPTCHA you’ll need to find out 4-5 areas to click in addition to the initial click. The way that most people do this is using CAPTCHA services, which are real people solving them and returning the answer to you (i.e. for a text captcha, you’d send them the image and they’d send back the letters/numbers).” —u/reifenstag
Caffeine Has Almost No Calories But Seems To Give Us A Burst Of Energy On Its Own. Where Does The Body Get This Energy From? Is Caffeine Forcing The Body To Use Stored Fat?
“Caffeine works in two ways to make you feel that way. First, it prevents the brain from telling you that you are tired. You can think of your brain as a bunch of locked boxes with different things inside of them. Some of these boxes have things that make you happy, others make you sad. Some have things that tell you it is time to go to sleep. Caffeine jams itself into the lock on the sleepy time box so that your brain can’t open it. That keeps you from feeling tired.