“Unlocking the Truth: How Parents’ Hilariously Brutal Notes Reveal Their Secret Superpowers!”
Sounds like an awesome parenting tactic to me. Soon the kids are going to get smart though, and they’re going to change the password before their parent can get to it.
A Very Happy Birthday To You
Poor McKenna, first her mother gives her a name like McKenna (no offense every other McKenna in the world) and then she tells her to shovel snow on her birthday, and then she peaces out to Madison.
Savage, mom. Real savage. A “have a great day” would have been nice.
Does Your Love Taste Like Cheeze-Its?
Thanks for the love, mom, but a napkin in a plastic bag isn’t going to fill my stomach with snacks. You know what will fill my stomach with snacks? Actual edible food.
How about we supplement some of that love with pretzels or even a sandwich?
Thanks For The Info, Mum
This note is a work of art. It is so beautifully written that I could weep. I love that she omitted the possessive pronoun before “bum.” It doesn’t matter whose bum, just bum in the general sense.
All bums are created equal. Also, the rhyme with “bum” and “mum” is just delightful.
She Brought You Into This World And She Can Take You Out Of It
How would you feel if you spent an hour and a half cleaning a kitchen only to have a bunch of hooligan children undo all of your hard work? Not very good, I bet.