“Unlocking the Truth: How Parents’ Hilariously Brutal Notes Reveal Their Secret Superpowers!”
Time To Take Some Responsibility
Moms don’t exist to clean up your messes. Please act like a human being and clean up after yourself when you make a mess.
Also, don’t complain about having to clean up for yourself. That’s what people do, not just moms. Keep reading for a mom who is about to venture into dangerous territory.
The Most Savage Mom Around
I really hope that these people live somewhere warm. I would hate to have to sleep outside on a cold night— but I guess that’s what happens when you’re not home when you’re supposed to be home.
Next time this guy probably won’t stay out so late.
Mom Is Cold As Ice
So I think we’ve established that kids are pretty dumb. But are they too dumb to know how to make ice? Apparently, they are.
It’s a recipe with one ingredient and what is pretty much one step, which is not a recipe at all, by a lot of people’s standards.
She Ventured Into The Great Unkown
This is the most accurate note I have ever read. I don’t know if a prayer is going to help her, but it’s definitely worth a try.
She left at 8:43, so if she’s not back in an hour, that’s when it’s time to panic. Keep reading for a mom who is too tired for your shenanigans.
Gotta Get That Vitamin A