“Unlocking the Truth: How Parents’ Hilariously Brutal Notes Reveal Their Secret Superpowers!”
Hopefully, this is just a case of an overprotective, overbearing mother, and not of an irresponsible teenager. Somehow I doubt that, though.
They Grow Up So Fast
Ah, dryer lint. They grow up so fast and before you know, they’re full-blown balls of debris ready to start fires of their own.
This is one way to get your kids to take a hint and clean the lint filter.
Remember the note from the dad that said he would keep sending the same sandwich until his kid ate it? Well, he strikes again.
Judging by this note, it appears his son or daughter is still averse to his lunch packing choices. I wonder how many dad facts it will take until his kid actually eats their lunch.
This Note Doubles As a User Manual
Sometimes notes from mom and dad double as a user manual. In this case, mom and dad really want their kids to step up and start helping around the house, but don’t want them to destroy anyone’s clothes.
In these kid’s defense, doing your own laundry can be challenging. There are like 50 different settings that all seem to do the same thing.
I’m Watching You
This mom is clearly trying to her hardest to get her kids to put their dirty clothes in the hamper. She even thinks adding a menacing face will help her cause.
While she’s trying to make it sound like she means business, this mom is probably a softy at heart who had to try extra hard to keep herself from adding “I love you” to the bottom.